Conserving Water With Green Irene

08 Dec
Photo by DGMiller777

Green Irene is a company dedicated to greening the world one home at a time!  The owners of Green Irene founded the company because saving money, energy, and water makes sense, and using non-toxic cleaners and creating a healthier environment seems like a no-brainer.  The birth of Green Irene came from the idea that they could help others implement good green ideas in their home NOW instead of just thinking and reading about it.

Green Irene sells its products and consulting services through its local Eco-Consultants, but you can buy them directly through their website and will be assigned a “virtual” eco-consultant near you who will be there by email or phone to provide all the resources Green Irene has to offer.

I’ve only recently been introduced to Green Irene, but I’m impressed!  You can really save money, and one way is with water conservation!  I think it would be great to hire a Green Irene consultant to come in and give me a green home makeover to show me what to use and how much I can save.  What a fabulous concept!  They also have some fabulous products in their online store that I know we’re going to add to our home (and even some great gift bags!). 

How many investments do you come across that for $133 will save you over $4,000 over 7 years and reduce your family’s Carbon footprint, save water, save electricity or gas (depending on how your water is heated) and reduce green house gas emissions?  The Green Irene Water Conservation Kit (2 bathroom model) does just that with an assortment of simple to install and use tools for your bathroom and kitchen.

Given what is going on with the stock market, housing prices, grocery prices and the economy in general, it’s understandable that people are cutting back on spending.  The great thing about Green Irene is that the products they sell will save both money and energy!  Consider the savings mentioned above from the 2 Bathroom Conservation Kit.  If the price of natural gas or electricity goes up in the next 7 years (and who DOESN’T think it will?), then the savings are even greater!!  Did you know:

Two, 1.59 gallons per minute showerheads save around $2,000 in energy and 71,540 gallons of water over 7 years (assuming 20 minutes of total household shower use per day) compared to the typical 2.5 gallons per minute showerhead in use in most homes.  This new technology is so good you won’t feel you are making any “sacrifice” to live green and save money.

A flow restricting aerator (1.0 gallons per minute vs. the standard 2.2 GPM) for the bathroom saves 92,000 gallons of water per year and around $700 over 7 years.  Install the .5 GPM aerator and save even more!

A small Toilet Tank Bank that you drop into your toilet will save you .5 gallons of water PER FLUSH, or almost 20,000 gallons over 7 years

It takes a considerable amount of energy to deliver and treat the water we use every day.  American public water supply and treatment facilities consume about 56 billion kilowatt-hours per year.  Enough electricity to power more than 5 million homes for that same year.  Letting your faucet run for five minutes uses about as much energy as letting a 60 watt light bulb run for 14 hours. By curbing home water use, we can decrease the release of Greenhouse Gases because water pumping, delivery, and wastewater treatment consumes a significant amount of our nation’s electricity.

If you’re an apartment dweller and think you don’t pay for any of your water, think again.  You DO pay for it, indirectly, through your rent or common area charges, and the price to heat and deliver that water is almost sure to go up over the next 5 years.  Tell your landlord or building manager about Green Irene and keep your costs down while you help the environment.

If you want more information on how the savings listed here are calculated, you can email and they will gladly email more details.  You can also ask for a free, 4 page Green Irene Guide to Water Conservation.


Posted by on December 8, 2008 in Going Green, Product Reviews


2 responses to “Conserving Water With Green Irene

  1. Andrea Paulinelli

    December 9, 2008 at 9:44 pm

    If you are serious about saving water, want a toilet that really works and is affordable, I would highly recommend a Caroma Dual Flush toilet. Caroma toilets offer a patented dual flush technology consisting of a 0.8 Gal flush for liquid waste and a 1.6 Gal flush for solids. Caroma, an Australian company set the standard by giving the world its first successful two button dual flush system in the nineteen eighties and has since perfected the technology. Also, with a full 3.5″ trapway, these toilets virtually never clog. All of Caroma’s toilets are on the list of WaterSense labeled HET’s and also qualify for several rebate programs currently available as well as LEED points. Please go to for more detailed information or visit to see why they actually work better than any US toilet. You can also visit my blog to learn more about toilets. Best regards, Andrea Paulinelli

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